Moving Ahead


Format: LP

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Format: LP
Grade: New (About gradings)
Number of discs: 1
SKU: 55953
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‘Moving Ahead’ is influenced and inspired by the many various sounds that have characterized Gerardo Frisina’s entire production and seemlessly laces Latin jazz, nu-jazz, Afro-Cuban, dub and electronic music side by side. The double bass lead opener ‘Naihi’ has an insistent, rolling groove, ‘Face The Music’ has a house beat but goes into percussive, trance like territory while the Latin ‘Cuiaba’ has a swing. The jazzy ‘Vicky’ brings to mind the likes of St Germain, ‘Mwanga’ has a delicate Afro vibe while ‘Foresta Esotica’ is a laid back slice of percussive ambient jazz. Mostly set at a chilled pace, this is a good album to absorb over time.

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