Two years after the last volume, Tramp bring number 7 in their ‘Praise Poems’ series of diverse, obscure soulful Jazz, Folk and Funk. Culled from a period between the late 1960s and the early 1980s this selection keeps the standard high- Marva Josie’s creeping, slinky Jazz-diss ‘He Does It Better’ is a gem, Stevens, Scott & Dee’s lounge-latin was drawn from a solitary and no doubt invisible LP that the trio issued in 78, while Promotion Soul Concern were a group from Bonn, Germany who issued their lone effort in the form of two covers of which the standard ‘Summertime’ is included here. Bill Comstock’s ‘An Icicle Touched By The Sun’ bears striking similarities to Al Wilson’s ‘The Snake’in it’s narrative, The Kats’ organ screamer ‘Wear Me Out’ is a good slab of Chicago funky soul while James Duhon’s bittersweet ‘An Empty Win’ will be a new discovery for many. The breadth of styles here is wide with psych numbers like Penn central’s funky ‘Sometimes’ sharing air time with Edmund Sullivan’s loner blues ‘A Blind Man Who Can See’.
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