Lynne Fiddmont has made a really nice quality Sophisticated Jazzy Soul album , which deserves it’s album of the week status. Ty Causey is Mr Reliable and his new album ‘Mr Mellow’ is up to his usual standard of quality independent soul music.
Roy Ayers Uno Melodic label released some great tracks in the early 80’s ,the best of which are included in the new compilation of the label.
Bill Mason’s rare funky jazz gem ‘Gettin Off’ is the latest Eastbound label album to be reissued on vinyl on the Tidal Waves label, also pre-order for the Gary Chandler album later in the month. You can find both albums on a 2-on-1 CD, too.
Emilio Santiago’s rare funky Brazilian album is also reissued on vinyl.
There are good Cds from the Whispers, David Axelrod and Disco Giants , plus a few 45’s reissues.
Check out the releases from the mailer from Monday here for the other hot releases.
Pre-order for many good forthcoming releases here.
I hope that you can join us tomorrow to welcome UK Soul singer Bashiyra to Soul Brother where she will be signing copies of her new album ‘Independent’ from 1.30. If you can’t make it but would like a signed copy you can pre-order one here, or a regular copy here.
There are a surprisingly good amount of quality releases out this month, you can see our albums of the month section here.
Our Summer Vinyl Sale has been extended until 3rd September , so you can still grab a bargain on many great new and reissue Vinyl albums. See the complete list of sale titles here.
I hope that you enjoyed the show last Sunday, if you missed it you can catch it again on the Podcast here. I hope that you can join me again this Sunday at 10am on Solar radio for another Soul Brother Selection.
Have a great weekend
