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Recommended new arrivals 8th December 2015

Happy new year to all of our customers. Luxury Soul 2016 has arrived and is a great 3CD compilation featuring 35 great new tracks many appearing on CD for the first time.
Maze two Warner brothers albums are on a great 2 on 1 cd. The missing Funky Planet title Ron Everett – Glitter of the City is here but likely to sell fast, we still have a few copies of some of the batch that arrived on 23rd Dec. Pre-order the brilliant and much talked about PEO album Sundae soul music arriving shortly, and also check out our albums of the month for January feature which is now loaded here.


You can see our albums of the year for 2015 here.


There are last copies of some great Soul, Brother and Expansion early CD’s on offer at £9.99 each or 5 for £40 here
Also check the fantastic range of Atlantic and Warner CDs on offer at £6.99 or 5 for £25. here


I hope that you enjoyed the show last week  if you missed it you can catch it again on the podcast here.
If you are Luxury Soul come and say hi to us in the dealer room over the weekend where we have a stall
have a great weekend