It is an amazing week for releases , there’s something for everybody this week.
Chantae Cann takes pride of place as album of the week with ‘Sol Empowered’ a beautiful album which features one of the tracks of the year ‘The Light’, really uplifting song that even after seven minutes leaves you wanting for more.
There are also strong Soul albums from Calvin Richardson and Kenny Lattimore plus an R&B/Soul set from Mint Condition’s Stokley.
Dego & Kaidi treat us to a rare album of West London /Broken beat and Jazz, Kaidi is an amazing keyboardist, which is likely to be in short supply.
Sarah Elizabeth Charles also has a strong album prod by Christian Scott, whose own new album is out next friday.
Vinyl reissues
There are some really good vinyl reissues including some rare and in demand albums from O.T.Sykes, Van Jones and the Strata East set from The Descendents of Mike ad Pheobe, plus some classic 60’s Soul and Jazz albums. Sammie Relford’s ultra rare dancer ‘breaking ice on love’ gets a welcome limited edition 45 reissue.
Pre-order for next and future weeks albums from Christian Scott, Leroy Hutson, Gregory Porter, plus the limited edition James Mason 45 double pack which is now due in on Monday.
The Ropeadope Label are undoubtedly the leading label for new Soul and Jazz this year. They have had an amazing release schedule that has given us three new releases this month to add to the outstanding albums from The Polyseeds, Trevor Lawrence Jr, Maurice Brown, Michon Young, Nate Smith and more. You can see all the Ropeadope titles here.
We have issued some great Vinyl albums and singles on our own Soul Brother label. Check this list of the recent releases plus some long out of print titles that we have a few copies of.
The Funky Town grooves deal ends on Sunday 15th Oct, so don’t miss your chance to grab some of these great reissue CDs at £9.99 each or 5 for £40.
Please mark in your diary for the forthcoming in stores with Irene Rene on sat 28th Oct and Johnny Britt on Sat 18th November.
I hope that you enjoyed the show on Sunday, if you missed it you can catch it again on the podcast here. I hope you can join me again this Sunday at 10am on Solar radio /sky0129 and DAB for another Soul Brother Selection.
have a great weekend
